
Things You Should Know Before Studying in Australia as an International Student

Australia is renowned for its captivating natural scenery and rich biodiversity. Moreover, it has established itself as a prominent global centre for education. International students who want to study in Australia should be aware of many aspects of the country in order to have a fulfilling academic journey. WAC consultants have compiled a list of all the things you need to know before studying in Australia:

Choosing a University:

Australia is home to a number of prestigious institutions that provide a wide range of academic programmes. The education system in Australia is characterised by its emphasis on research, with universities renowned for their comprehensive curriculum that promotes the development of innovation, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

Study and Living Costs:

The cost of tuition and living expenses in Australia is rather high, despite the country’s reputation for offering high-quality education. The tuition prices exhibit variability among different institutions and academic programmes. In addition to tuition fees, it is important to take into account the expenditures associated with daily life, including lodging, transit, food, and several other costs. Fortunately, Australia provides employment prospects for students, therefore assisting in mitigating a portion of these expenses.

Securing Visa:

In order to pursue education in Australia, overseas students are required to get a student visa. In order to fulfil the necessary requirements, it is essential to satisfy certain criteria, which include providing proof of enrolment in a designated course, demonstrating financial capability to cover both tuition fees and living costs, and exhibiting a proficient command of the English language.

Health Insurance:

In Australia, it is a requirement for all overseas students to possess Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) during their period of residency. This insurance policy provides coverage for a range of medical expenditures, guaranteeing that students have the necessary access to medical care in times of need.

Finding Accommodation:

Australia has a wide array of housing options for students, including on-campus living, shared flats, hostels, and home stays. Conducting thorough research and selecting suitable lodging that aligns with one’s financial constraints and proximity to the educational institution is essential.

Culture Shock: 

The culture of Australia is characterised by the amalgamation of indigenous customs and diverse global influences. Prior to arrival, it is advisable to acquaint oneself with the customs, traditions, and social protocols in Australia. It is worth noting that Australians are renowned for their amiable disposition and humour. Consequently, possessing a certain level of familiarity with their cultural nuances may greatly facilitate one’s ability to blend in with Australian social environment.

Extreme Climate:

Australia has a diverse range of climate zones due to its geographical location. While the northern sections exhibit tropical climates, the southern areas are characterised by moderate temperatures. Ensure that you organise your wardrobe in a suitable manner.

Work Opportunities: 

International students studying in Australia are permitted to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week during academic semesters, while being allowed to work full-time during vacation periods. Not only does this aid in the management of expenditures, but it also offers significant professional development opportunities.

Australia offers a harmonious lifestyle, characterised by its picturesque coastlines, thriving urban centres, and high-quality education. To optimise your student experience, it is advisable to actively participate in various events, become a member of university clubs, and not shy away from interacting with people from different backgrounds. For further assistance in your study abroad journey, contact WAC consultants, the best study abroad consultants in


While several students engage in part-time employment, the level of difficulty experienced depends upon a number of circumstances, including geographical location, individual skill set, and the conditions of the job market. Metropolitan areas that are home to major colleges tend to provide better employment prospects for students.
Yes, a number of Australian colleges provide scholarships specifically tailored for overseas students. It is recommended to thoroughly research and submit applications well in advance, since these opportunities are very competitive.
Australia offers a Post-Study Work visa, which permits graduates to extend their stay and engage in employment for a certain duration after the completion of their education. After completing their studies, individuals have the chance to gain professional experience in Australia.

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